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I offer one on one sessions (on location and in-home visitations), group sessions and expand awareness with educational presentations.


I am fully insured, hold a blue card, yellow card, first aid certified and consistently upgrade my knowledge and education on all aspects relating to anatomical, physiological, psychological and nutritional influences on mental health and wellness.

I currently offer all my services to the general public, NDIS participants (trauma/psychosocial recovery), the Queensland Police Service mental wellness program (Sunshine Coast District), several emergency service & military non-profit organizations and business/company health and wellness programs.  

Head Massage

Accelerated Relaxation Therapy


A multi-modality therapeutic approach which actively targets the body’s parasympathetic nervous system to assist in restoring a deep state of relaxation, inner calm and alleviate the effects of stress on the body. A uniquely delivered one on one client centered approach, addressing the body-mind and the emotional reservoirs within the body.

Therapeutic Yoga


A deeply therapeutic session uniquely tailored to suit the individual and their physical requirements and abilities. A series of slow gentle movements and releases designed to calm the nervous system, assisting the facilitation of a positive state of mental wellbeing.

Folding a Yoga Mat

Therapeutic Art


A guided one on one art session designed to facilitate ‘flow state’ (alpha and theta brain waves). Whist achieving a deeply relaxed conscious meditative state, it provides a safe space to explore expressive creativity whilst bringing the body and mind back into the moment to create a unique work of art.



Upon request, group sessions can be utilised to assist addressing workplace moral and employee well-being and productivity. Greater connection and workplace satisfaction can result from regular group sessions. 

Yoga Child's Pose

Speaking Events


Covering a wide range of topics from the mind-body connection, mental wellness, stress and more, an educational presentation explores topics on a deeper level to achieve greater awareness and understanding to assist in empowering the listener toward positive life changes. 

©2023 by HayleyRobinson

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